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Common Roaches

American Cockroach
Length: 1-2 inch.
Typicaly light brown.
Yellowish band on the back of the head sometimes resembling a halo.
Good flyer, will jump at a chance to snack on dog food.

Smokey-Brown Cockroach
Length: 1-1.5 inch.
Large and dark brown.
Violin-shaped mark on top back just behind it's head.
Lives in dark secluded areas; closet, attics, garages, ect.
If bitten seek medical treatment immediatley.

Length: 1/2 inch.
Small coackraoch and has vairious shades of brown with distinctive yellow markings on it's back.
Good climber.
Brown-Banded Cockroach

German Cockroach
Length: 1/2-5/8 inch.
Most common cockroach world wide.
Attracted by the smallest crumbs.
likes warm and humid enviornments.
Reproduce fast and are usually found in crevices of your kitchen.
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