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Common Ants

Acrobat Ant
Length: 1/8 inch.
Typically two toned in color with a lighter brown in the front and dark brown or black rear.
Spade/Hear shaped abdomen.
Attracted to moisture.
Length: 1/2-5/8 inch, with large shiney head
Can be solid black in color or red & black.
Repreoductive's develop wings; usually seen on the window seal.
Each ant varies in size but are typically large
Carpenter Ant
Odorous House Ant
Length: 1/8 inch.
Typically black/brown colored and gets its name from the rotten coconut/banana smell it emits when crushed.
When disturbed they move in erratic patterns.
Length: 1/8-1/2 inch.
Fire ants usually form large nests above ground.
Red and black colored figure.
Very aggressive and will sting so approach with caution..
Fire Ant
Rasberry Crazy Ant
Length: 1/8 inch.
Light brown with darker circles on abdomen
Live in both moist and dry habitats and are very versatile.
Cover themselves in formic acid which is an antidote to Fire ant venom.
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